About this Book

This Book is a major reference for "KC1022 Aqidah" a course offered to 1st year students in the university.

The book discusses the origin and development of the Islamic theology.

Buuggan wuxuu si faahfaahsan u lafagurayaa heerarkii uu soo maray cilmiga caqiidada, ayadoo loo eegayo manhajka alusunnah wal jamaacah.
Usul al-aqidah fi Dow' manhaj alu-sunnah

Si aad u iibsato buuggan riig batanka hoose

Dr. Shamsul Bahrain
Dr. Hersi Mohamed
Language: Arabic
No. Pages: 297
Price: US$ 20.00

[Last Modified: 4.6.2005. Copyright - Dr. Hersi.]